God puts Himself in our hands, agrees to make Himself an unfathomable mystery of weakness & manifests His omnipotence in His to a plan of which in the end, also provides for the punishment of the wicked. Angelus, 2 October 2011

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Sin wounded humanity & destined it to the darkness of
death, but the newness of life shines out in as well as the destination
to which we are called. In Him, reinvigorated by the we receive
the strength to defeat evil & to do good. 3April2011

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Reminiscing the great honor of having met and painted three popes for the Vatican: Pope St.John Paul II (in 2003), Pope Benedict XVI (in 2008) and Pope Francis (in 2015).

1 5

Blessed affirms that “the baptized
undergoes a secret but very powerful operation, through which he is raised to
the supernatural order, is placed in communication with God”, quoted by
Pope Angelus 9Jan2011

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