As we celebrate the formal birth of our country, we also recognize that America does not yet offer independence, freedom and true justice for all. Until then, we continue to advocate for equality and inclusion for everyone around us. ⁠

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It happens to be Nora's birthday today! We are sending her warm wishes on her birthday!⁠

Image: Nora Martin Hall (Bennett Prize® 1 honorable mention), Excuse My Charisma, oil on canvas, 48 x 78."
- Available for sale: $32,000⁠

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Love this advice from (on FB): "When you see a museum or gallery that supports women artists, inform a staff member, write a Google or FB review." Or, tweet/post & tag Art Herstory!

Image: Jessica Gordon (#BennettPrize honorable mention), For the Weary, 2018."⁠

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