(2/2) Meanwhile, Aletta's weapon is a guitar that picks details from the Rinascita Manatrigger, High Durium Bhuj, and Berimbau

the original guitar was sleek & solid, without much detail besides decor, but the headstock seems like a later addition bc of its mechanical complexity

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A bandeira da Bahia como um bardo de RPG! Ele tem um berimbau-alaúde 😁

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Minha Terceira vítima foi o Tubbo! ele com certeza seria o baiano agropunk do grupo, cursando TI e toca berimbau por hobbie :D
❤️ e 🔄 são apreciados :)

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My imagination is doing pretty good for my OCs right now, so I'll leave here a discussion between my OCs Garra (blue small tiger) and her father Lago (large dark blue tiger).

Their talk after Garra's first time playing a berimbau at a capoeira circle.

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Wanted to draw my boys doing capoeira but it was so demanding that now they’re playing berimbau instead hahaha

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Galera da só na resenha da treta do dia anterior.

Agora o Senador Otto lembrado de suas habilidades com o instrumento Berimbau. Lembrando também que o mesmo é mestre em capoeira.

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3 feature scores on Spotify

Slapface (horror/thriller) moody textures of violin, bowed dulcimer, santoor
Somewhere Slow (drama) piano so sweet Variety called it "saccharin" (not complimentary)
Escape From Darwin (western/action) heavy rhythms w/ berimbau


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tá pensando que berimbau é gaita é https://t.co/JBLAd5F9oN

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Second Comission Stockage
1 Bear, 1 Kirin, 1 Lizzy, 1 Lion with a Berimbau. All Done.
Some of the owners does not have twitter.

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It takes 1000 strums of a berimbau to get proficient at it...for most people.

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