“Entre todas las formas de cautela, la cautela en el amor es, posiblemente, la más letal para la auténtica felicidad.”

Un 18 de mayo nace
Pensador, influyente filósofo.
Un gran referente cultural del XX
de 1950

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¿Para qué repetir los errores antiguos habiendo tantos errores nuevos que cometer?

Un 2 de febrero muere
Pensador, matemático, escritor e influyente filósofo.
Uno de los grandes referentes culturales del XX
de 1950

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The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.

Happy birthday,

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Our two focused exhibitions from McMaster Library and artist Bruce Barber are both closing on December 21. See them before they're gone!

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The items shown here are from home in Penrhyndeudraeth, Wales, his primary residence from 1955 until his death in 1970. Here they are arranged as they may have been in his study. Treasures from on view until Dec 22.

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