"Is that all I need?"
Everyone must have a OC :) Big Mom Wuu, female is ready for work

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Everyone must have his OC! Big Mom Wuu, female a cook, hostess & co-owner of a little caf-teen; she ofthen cooks for clones, so some of her grateful diners immortalized her as a "nose art girl" flying on a large ladle.

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Star Wars Insider 211

Featuring a deep dive into the life of Obi-Wan Kenobi, an interview with New Hope set decorator Roger Christian, and a new short story by about the best Besalisk, Dexter Jettster.

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Cuando Boba ya era adulto, usó la Slave-I para rastrear y capturar al contrabandista Han Solo. Cuando lo logró, lo llevó a Nar Shaddaa para que el Besalisk Doc Ragon examinase por qué Solo se estaba descongelando de la carbonita donde estaba encerrado.

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//here are the aliens in question. Should be the right order

Dug Nautolan

Besalisk Trandoshan

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I'm playing some Star Wars TTRPG with my friends. My cathar character starts alone before joining the rest of the squad and needs some gear... but doesn't know how to negociate.
So I decided to make a meme about him buying a "second-hand" blast vest from a besalisk salesman...

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Pong Krell fué un gran usuario de la fuerza y un temible guerrero. Su fisionomía de Besalisk le permitía blandir dos sables de doble hoja a la vez con gran pericia. Gracias a sus habilidades masacró a numerosos clones antes de su muerte.


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