Met in person. See her adorable triceratops illustrations.

2 11

pibesday phiii, wish you all the best🤗
orang pertama yg nyapa aku di twitter,makasih phiiiiii.
maap agk telat

7 21

hapuy bday Mephi ma bb!!❤
cihuy nambah tua nie


6 15

Thank you for being there 💙


15 28

Happuy besdey, Abang!! 🥳


8 22

Leonardo Da Vinci was a famous sculptor, an architect, and an engineer.
Get your CIMAdown Art Pass today here: Only .0175 WETH!

7 15

Happy balloon balloon day, Xyn!! 🥳


12 36

YOUHOUHOUHOUUUU ♥♥♥♥♥ Goood mornniiinng tout le monde ! Allezzz on se réveille ! C'est le début de la semaine, il va faire beau, on est motivation et on veut profiter du meilleur lunchdi qui soit !
Belle journée ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

1 13

500 Days

❥ inrang_love

1 4

mcr is back. here’s some old pic of the time i met gerard way

13 220


Thank you for all supported, I hope that in the future it will be even better

0 3

I got an autographed picture of THE letsgo

2 21

happuy bestday xD
maafkan karena telat

note, kalo sudah main mainya sama si dino, harap dikembalikan ke timeline asalnya ya bund xD wwwwwwww

15 92