Out of all the dangers in Antharshica.... This one is....well...uh.... something. Not really dangerous in Antharshica sense but I will say training wild pokemon to break windows so you and it can get free food.... You could have just asked

day 5 🧄🌿🦌

3 5

Awwwww what's this? Oh yeah it's April 21st which also happens to be a certain someone's birthday. Classic little guy birthday outfit and party, he loves space ya know.... Oh also a little sister hat I guess 😅

Day 4 🎉

5 11

Even those who evolve to fit their passions sometimes run into some trouble.... Ouch.... I mean he was kinda showing off soooo, just put some ice on it.... Oh wait that won't work...

Day 3️⃣🔥🐀

2 5