It’s the final showdown! You’ve been voting in your millions, well, thousands, well, hundreds, sometimes - and you’ve chosen your two collective favourite ever episodes!...

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Tomorrow... the final showdown... vs ...surely the toughest choice since Mr Lister had to decide between kamikaze hot mutton vindaloo or suicidally spicy chicken vindaloo for dinner last night!

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Here it is then! The first of four quarter-finals, with series winners chosen collectively by you. It takes less time than one of Mr Rimmer’s brief sexual liaisons (and that includes the time it took to eat the pizza)... so get voting! 👇🏻

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Don’t miss the first LIVE quarter-final draw this evening, with my special guest Snacky! Brought to you from B.O.S. HQ: the small storage cupboard on C Deck - the one between the men’s toilets and the garbage disposal hatch.

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Another day, another poll! It’s Series VI and a smorgasbord of smegnificent episodes for you to choose from. This one’s harder than Mr Rimmer’s new hard-light body! 👇🏻🗳

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It’s vs in a Series IV - which episode wins to join and in the next round... you decide Dwarfers!

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...“Well, she won't be much use to you on Fiji now. Not unless it snows and you need something to grit the path with!”

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Vote for your favourite Series I episode NOW in my EPIC (ahem) Twitter poll To clarify, the episode with the highest % of votes across the two polls, will win and represent the series against the other winners! Get voting Dwarfers and spread the word!

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