# bfdi

no context (some assets that got some edits after some reviews from some of our crew)

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Some people doubted me adding Cake to the MVP cast... Until the other day where I made someone happy to see Cake considered as one! <3

Let's see how he fares without Loser!

19 here, 6 to go.

BFDI:MVP by Grzakin and YellowBadger
inspired by JacknJellify's works

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Fun fact: The original official cast only had 24 contestants, with Ruby being the one missing, but she's just too iconic to be left out of MVP!

Oops, all Have-Cots!

18 here, 7 to go.

BFDI:MVP by Grzakin and YellowBadger
inspired by JacknJellify's works

2 7

No, I mean, seriously, I'm pretty sure this guy helped in more wins than any of the other Losers, Loser included.

Clock really is a MVP.

12 here, 13 to go.

BFDI:MVP by Grzakin and YellowBadger
inspired by JacknJellify's works

4 10

I told you the others' assets wouldn't be as great, because here all I did was a slight recolor tbh.

Anyway, hey it's Donut!

2 here, 23 to go.

BFDI:MVP by Grzakin and YellowBadger
inspired by JacknJellify's works

4 11