Thanks to everybody for your support in 2022! Now I'm working on a new story which is going to be released in Japan next year; hopefully with a western release as well ;).

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In volume 3 Bibi and Miyu are going to Okinawa. So the theme of the cover is "sea"! 😁 I really wanted to travel to Okinawa as well to get photo-material for the Manga. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to. 😥

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Am 27.08. findet der statt! Im werde ich von 12 - 15 Uhr vor Ort sein und signieren. „Bibi&Miyu“-Mangas habe ich natürlich dabei!

Ich freue mich auf euch! 😁

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I really put my feelings in the last scene of volume 3. Unfortunately, in the last years people couldn't meet up with each other easily. 😥

🌸🌸🌸 Volume 3 is already released! 🌸🌸🌸

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Happy New Year! I wish 2021 is going to be a great year for you all.
My wish for this year is to see my family in Japan😌 💕

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Hier ist mein fertiger Beitrag für 's Bibi & Miyu Zeichenwettbewerb 😊💕 der Hintergrund hat so viel Spaß gemacht! Als Kind habe ich jeeeden Tag Bibi Blocksberg gehört und ihr? 😍

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