« Avec ses larges corbillards
Ornés de plumes majuscules
Par les matins de brouillards
La mort circule. »
(🌫️ Émile Verhaeren 🌫️)
[L'amour et la Mort ; Silent Hill ; Persona 4 ; Bloodborne]

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Convinced the only reason Jusis and Machias were playing pool(?) in CS2 was so Makky had an excuse to stare at Jusis' ass.

(I'm sure it's obvious I have no idea how to play pool or snookers or billards or whatever)

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Logo pour le futur club de Billard "Les loups du blackpool" de

Merci encore pour ce projet 🙏

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thanks for the chance ^w^ imma pick..

emma with my irl oc

as for the scenario..i got two in mind (*/ω\*)

one is a bit like strip poker but with billards~and instead of striping~ i think you can geuss

and the other idea..well .///. see 3rd image below

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Otto Dix (1891 - 1969)

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// Alcohol and Tobacco mention for this character! Skip if you must!

[Keith Max]CV: Kenjiro Tsuda
he likes to play Pool (Billards.)
He likes beer and dislikes noisy people.

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– Et de longs corbillards, sans tambours ni musique,
Défilent lentement dans mon âme ; l’Espoir,
Vaincu, pleure, et l’Angoisse atroce, despotique,
Sur mon crâne incliné plante son drapeau noir.

Charles Baudelaire - Spleen

Danse macabre de l'église St Nicolas - Tallinn - Estonie

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