1st論文がbioRxivに掲載されました。近年発見されたバクテリオロドプシン様チャネルロドプシンの一種であるChRmine(カーマイン)のクライオ電子顕微鏡構造解析に、電気生理や分光解析、分子動力学シミュレーション等を組み合わせた論文です。本当に多くの方々にお世話になり、心より感謝致します! https://t.co/bg6c18yi0w

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An open MRI dataset for multiscale neuroscience | https://t.co/Ruc66Hm10G

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Our new preprint (NOT YET PEER-REVIEWED) up on bioRxiv. We digitally dissect Callorhinchus + Scyliorhinus, and discuss chondrichthyan cranial muscle evolution. Feat. lots of pretty pictures of skinless fish heads. All and any feedback very welcome.

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In order to study gene function in embryonic development more rapidly than is possible with conditional knockouts, we developed NEPTUNE: neural plate targeting by in utero nanoinjection. Here it is, on bioRxiv:
https://t.co/oPKOepMKHw (1/2)

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" Early disadvantage correlated with a globally reduced myelin and reductions in myelin growth longitudinally .."

Childhood socio-economic disadvantage predicts reduced myelin growth across adolescence and young adulthood | https://t.co/RbCYtwf0Y4

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