Nicobar pigeon, Golden crown kinglet, Scoped owl, and Ecuadorian hillstar

7 15

Wrapping up ! I didn't get to all of the birds, but it was fun trying new things!

3 11

THE LAST DAY OF BIRBFEST! I can’t believe I’ve done it, and also how quickly it has gone by. Because I feel like such a winner, I have made my last bird; the beautiful Victoria Crowned Pigeon, a winner too! Now I think my wrist needs a break…

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Day 19 of is the Wallcreeper, this little cutie here! And yes, I will be continuing this challenge until I finish all of the prompts, even though it’ll be the wrong month 😅

2 9

Day 30… only one more day to go after this! This is the very strange looking great eared nightjar and his wiggly wiggly!

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Birbfest 2023, Day 30: Great-Eared Nightjar

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Birbfest 2023, Day 29: Himalayan Monal

4 18

Birbfest 2023, Day 26: Gouldian Finch

3 11

Day 25 of is an osprey that’s off to write something really important!

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This little guy is dangerous he has fire! Day 22 of is the golden crowned kinglet

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Birbfest 2023, Day 22: Golden-Crowned Kinglet

4 12

Fancy boy alert! Todays bird for is the Nicobar Pigeon, and my oh my look how pretty he is, so he deserved a cow boy hat

6 27

Todays birb is a classic, the big ol ostrich, complete with a hat so they’re beach ready!

3 12

Is that a babushka Wallcreeper? Yes it is. Here is day 19 of

2 19

Birbfest 2023, Day 19: Wallcreeper

3 11

17: california condor

um... this is probably my favorite... manifesting big mood...

4 17

And on the opposite end of the spectrum, have a meme. Day 14, the Red Wattled Lapwing. Legs for daaaaayyyyssss

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