For DTIYS! - Luv the Dystopia Boys designs, their sooo awesome and we’re fun to draw!! 🤩I changed the pose and added drippy splats in the background, idk I thought it looked cool- Congrats on 500…600 Wohoo!!👏😁

0 8

I don't post almost at all but I wanted to try my hand at dtiys!

2 12

after 500 color palette changes i finally finished it:)

7 95

may the gods have mercy on you 🕊️

1393 11882

blue bird knight 🕊

[rts appreciated + pls untag!]

240 1943

never been so proud of myself!! thanks for making this beautiful dtiys

16 120

Did the This was actually so fun to do I really enjoyed it :D

18 88

This was a fun DTIYS!! I’m going to work on a few more later. In the meantime, enjoy aly’s blue knight Tommy!🦋
[untag in replies]

203 1931

THIS WAS REALLY FUN I’m still drawing DTIYS challenges and this one is by ! I really enjoyed this one, details were so fun and the original drawing is beautiful! 🗡🕊💙

(Untag in replies, rts appreciated)💞

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100 706

Man looks majestic asf , anyways I’m this was really fun :D

5 101