Birds also sometimes find themselves in traffic jams! Large soaring birds soar because of rising hot air and that only occurs over land. During migration, raptors and storks pass through straits like Bosphorus, Messina and Gibraltar.

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A lot of birds like cuckoos, warblers, flycatchers, orioles, sparrows, vireos and thrushes migrate at night. Nighttime air is cooler! It is also much less turbulent and, probably most importantly, their predators like falcons or hawks are sound asleep.

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Birds get fat before migrating! Well, no wonder they need the extra calories and energy for the long trip. Warblers can weigh up to twice their regular weight before setting off. Holy cow! Er, warbler we mean.

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Please keep the airways open: Celebrating 2020 theme is and is held on the second Saturday of each May:

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Birds inspire us and help us connect with nature. Celebrate on Saturday, May 9th, and every day!

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is coming soon (9May). Although we are staying at home, still Come join or initiate online activities. EAAFP also prepared a series of activities for you:


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