Getting close to nature & being outdoors can benefit your mental health and make you feel better. This week's tries an exercise from Joe Harkness' taking inspiration from Seth Lister Mosley's study of The Wigeon

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There were some more Buffleheads in the YMCA retention pond today, probably 1st winter juveniles. The one on the left looks like he's getting his big boy head feathers.

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This was a raven noise I’d never heard before. The bird was in the shade, so at first we couldn’t see the source, but it sounded very much like a chipmunk. Turns out it was the sound of raven regurgitation! Always something new to learn. 😊🖤

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They were back again today! 💙#stellersjay

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Doing more Bird Therapy and Art Therapy in a bid to heal faster from surgery. I'm working on a Chaffinch in Cherry Blossom and here's my completed Waxwing from the other day

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