Biu Biu メリュジーヌ

610 3346


192 724


204 724

Draw some “Build the fire cat” stickers for the day my sunshine comeback to me!
Biu mèo cam, Biu mèo lửa, trái tim rực cháy, phượng hoàng tái sinh đều ở đây kkkkk ❤️‍🔥💙 mại zô mại zô, có thể in cắt sticker nhó mn, size A5 kkkk 🫶🏻

242 446

"The phoenix is also a great symbol of determination and resilience. No matter what life throws their way, they always find a way to pick themselves back up and keep going."

Just like Biu no matter what life throws at him HE ALWAYS FINDS HIS WAY TO PICK HIMSELF UP

341 253

I love Biu so much, so Biu have to love yourself a lot 🤲💙

79 161


35 171

Biu (> ◇ ●)/~~~

160 524

Your change of expression can defer from Nong Biu to P’Jak. I love both 🥰


493 387

"YOU ARE LUVED!" — Build Jakapan Puttha

We also Luve you Biu always! No one can dictate us to unloved you no matter what!

459 261

Biu: eh? Why did Ble come to my house at this hour, it's late...?
Ble: Because I miss Biu so much...very miss Biu...

P/s: A sample of short stories about BBB hope to make everyone happy 🤲🥰

618 2074