I rlly never got to fully touch on the demon gang in bkau-
n I got tons of thoughts on it- that i refused to share- cuz i didnt have the energy to tell and draw- irige

9 187

yall whats the name of the SQ and the scorpian lady ship-
cuz im shipping them in my bkau-
it would be impossible for them to meet in the timeline rn
but i will make it happen somehow-
i just AAA-

6 146

this is idea is for bkau but i wanna see this as also be hc
for them in lmk ihfirhg
never seen anyone else- give these two their own interests n so had to do it myself XDD
Yin is a mechanic n Jin is a content creator-

19 113

Procrastinated and ended up painting redson from
My bkau

3 44

Back to drawn bullkid au stuff- mostly centered around spiderqueen cuz yes

9 54