I want to hear your very best 🗣️#ROAR on this lazy Sunday morning. ❤️‍🔥☕️

Where is my pride at?!

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A little break in the busy week to finish some sketches! A couple of chunky Blackcaps! I hope to see them more often now that the berries are ready in the trees!

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Sometimes bird ID is tricky even for the experts. Willow warblers and chiffchaffs look alike but sound different, whilst blackcaps and garden warblers look different but sound alike - one pair is hard to tell apart by sight, whilst the other is hard to tell apart by sound!

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First arrival of Blackcaps this morning + several Chiffchaff, Cetti’s, Bullfinch today’s ringing highlights with .

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4 Blackcaps now singing in Wivenhoe Wood, first arrived on Mon, carpet of Wood Anemones

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