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I hope you like my Sombra Cosplay!
Join to get the full project
#Blizz30 #overwatchcosplay #overwatchsombra #sombracosplay #sombraoverwatch #Overwatch #blizzardcosplay
Coldflame Kael'thas for #ProjectEbonBlade during Blizzcon 2018! Designed by @ZachFischer built by myself! And stunning photo taken and edited by Kaminsky Kandids #BlizzConline #warcraft #warcraftcosplay #blizzardcosplay #kaelthas
Sylvanas Windrunner #cosplay by E Himera Cosplay https://t.co/Jl0VAEDgGq
Photo from @Siradzephoto https://t.co/Nehrp0UGZN
Design by @ZachFischer for @projebonblade https://t.co/lXDXcG9ZxV
#sylvanaswindrunner #sylvanascosplay #worldofwarcraft #warcraftcosplay #blizzardcosplay
More Alex?!
Of course.
Also realised I've never really shown the back of the costume. Included a quick shot of it here ^-^
#cosplay #alexstraszacosplay #alexstrasza #dragonaspect #blizzardcosplay #blizzard #worldofwarcraft #warcraftcosplay #heroesofthestorm
I swear Genji's redesign was done by a cosplayer
#overwatch #overwatch2 #overwatchcosplayer #overwatchcosplay #overwatch2cosplay #overwatch2cosplayer #blizzcon #blizzconcosplay #blizzardcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirls #cosplayers #cosplaywip #thatcosplayfeeling
Side by side of my Whitemane cosplay and the artwork from @ZachFischer for @OJessicaNigri and @projebonblade ♥️ i loved crafting this armor! It gave me a lot of skill and confidence 💪🏻
Photo by Soulcatcher Photography #cosplay #sidebyside #blizzardcosplay #worbla
A-MA-ZING cosplay. April Regram from @shadowborder
« This weekend is @polymanga and I'm so excited ❤️😍
Photo by the amazing @reflektierte_wahrheit
#wizard #malewizard #blizzard #weiwang #diablo #blizzardcosplay #diablo3 #diablocosplay #worbla #worblawip #cosplayers #cosplay
Taken at: Meetup hosted by @cosplayphotographeralliance
Cosplay made and modeled by: @axcelerationdesigns .
#costume #cosplay #cosplayer #costumedesigner#cosplaygirls #tracer #tracercosplay #overwatch#overwatchcosplay #blizzard #blizzardcosplay#blizza… https://t.co/eFOBwlijGG