
I'm a little late to this tag, but I'm Mars and I like drawing my funky gay little characters!!! And guess what, you'll eventually be able to meet them all in my book, Bloomphases!

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Thank you so much for another artshare! ❤️

Hi, I'm Emmet! Here's some of the characters I've designed for my romantic horror fantasy novel, Bloomphases!

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Happy pride month!! This obviously is the perfect time for another promo!

I'm Emmet, I'm an aceflux bisexual nonbinary guy, and I'm writing a romantic horror fantasy story called Bloomphases! I also do art for it!

Come check me out if my work draws your interest!

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Shot through the heart
And you're to blame
Darlin', you give love a bad name! ❤️

Tag if you want to join the DTIYS! There's no deadline, since it's just for fun!

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Hi!! I'm Emmet! I'm autistic, transmasc and aceflux bisexual!

I mostly design characters and funny little creatures for my book called Bloomphases! 🌻

I'm very scared of talking to people but I'd love to make some new friends if anyone is interested!! 👉👈❤️

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Thank you for this artshare!

I'm Emmet, and i mainly draw/design characters and creatures for my book called bloomphases!

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Henlo My name is Emmet, I'm an aceflux bisexual nonbinary guy and I like drawing and designing my silly little characters and creatures from my silly little book named Bloomphases!

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Happy ! I'm Emmet, I'm an aceflux/bi and transmasc genderfluid writer/artist, and I'm writing a horror fantasy named Bloomphases! I also occasionally work on character/creature design!

Come check my stuff out if you're interested! https://t.co/RiNtzLgTfh

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Thank you for the art share!! Here's some of my designs for my book, bloomphases!

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Henlo I'm autistic and I have adhd and fibromyalgia (chronic pain)

I'm writing a book and also design the characters and creatures for it!

Read Bloomphases and follow me if you like horror/fantasy!

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I'm Hen! I mostly design characters for my book, Bloomphases, and occasionally design Little Creatures as well!

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Thank for for this art share!

I'm hen, I mostly draw to design the characters for my book, named bloomphases, which I'm currently writing, but I'm hoping to move on to some bigger/more actually artistic pieces sometime soon, too!

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Hi I'm hen and I mostly draw my characters for the book I'm writing, called Bloomphases! I'm still figuring out art, but I wanted to show it off regardless!

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