FlixPatrol reports that Brand New Cherry Flavor BNCF is today in the Top 10 in Netflix in 6 countries. The latest Rotten Tomatoes scores for BNCF are a critics' score of 77% and audience scores of 81%. Rosa Salazar will return for Season 2 of Amazon's Undone & CBS's B-Positive.

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FlixPatrol reports that Brand New Cherry Flavor (BNCF) is now trending on Neflix in 10 countries & is trending a 2nd day in the U S. The Rotten Tomatoes score for BNCF is 76% critics' score and 87% audience score.

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Watching google searches of "Brand New Cherry Flavor" skyrocket suggests BNCF will be in the Netflix Top 10 TV shows tomorrow. And a reminder that Alita returns to the FX Channel tomorrow & Sunday. The Battle Angel is back!!!

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