Boeuf japonais, à Kyoto
〽️athurin 〽️éheut

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Especially when ulti managed to tank a point blank big mom attack, a adcoc thunder bagua from yamato....and queen on the other side getting stomped by a boeuf burst

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Sanji is way faster than king so the latter would need to decrease his defense to increase his speed.....THIS IS WHEN SANJI CATCHES HIM WITH A IFJ BOEUF BURST FROM HELL

(Sanji is also immuned to fire, explosions and cutting attacks thanks to his exoskeleton)

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Sanji : May i take your order sir ?

Crocodile : Sure. 1 extra haché, 2 gigots for my other wing mihawk, and two spicy flamb...wait ? WHAAAT


Crocodile : ☠

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15 août, ce sont les Feriae Augusti ou repos d'Auguste: dans tout l'Empire romain, personne ne travaille, même les bêtes de somme, chevaux, boeufs, mule, âne sont au repos et décorés de fleur...

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Sanji and zoro's ap are different

Zoro would have sliced GB head clean with a busted king of hell move

Sanji would have landed an IFJ : BOEUF BURST powered with superhuman strenght, superspeed, EXO + COA, and blue flames right on GB'S head


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Please join us for a special signing of Jeux de Mains
with authors Cécile Poimboeuf-Koizumi & Stephen Ellcock on Tuesday 29 March, 6-8pm

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📍 Normandie
Berthe Mouchel : Femme, artiste et engagée, à La Fabrique des savoirs à Elboeuf, du 24 juin au 23 septembre 2022.

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