Is still alive and well? Because i need my old fruity poltergeist with people 👀

Original idea by btw~

4 20

*plushies ur Anette*#booheadproject

8 119

Refined Anette’s ref and drew her a bunch cuz I can

49 366

Had nothing to post yet and still workin on the fusion of moon and lil puppet and aswell as lavender woth sun and moon may fo an eclipse 🤔 but anyways here another boo oc

Princess boobity ✨

2 18

Shoot, now I've been pulled in-
And yes, Boolabuster sounds like Lin-Manuel because I think it'd be bloody funny.

23 121

Balbi doesn't wear clothing under his cloak unless he REALLY has to

10 264

I designed all the bastards who fucked up her life, lol✨

7 165

More of she now that I’ve remembered to post her lol, thanks Ned✨
Her name is Odette, and often goes by Orchid

4 79

So uh. Still in boohead mode, thinkin bout the wifey that made... yearning...

18 326

Sorry if its ugly its rushed since I only had 1 hour I think

0 2