Holiday Book Rec: “Blood Stain” (currently three volumes) is a collection of her webtoon. Her art is endearing. Her story is one of impressions, and misunderstandings, and just trying our best.

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Holiday Book Rec: Neil Gaiman. Of course, bibliophiles can never go wrong with a Gaiman story. “Fortunately, the Milk” is a book, of which, there are multiple copies in residence (hobbits each wanted their own). Reading aloud is a must—and do the voices!

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"This Place: 150 Years Retold" is among 's Indigenous authors and stories 2019 list! Check out the rest of these 2019 releases:

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4 fabulous, funny picture books, courtesy of , whose new kids’ book, Ira Crumb Makes a Pretty Good Friend, is getting great reviews!

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