Shall I follow the warmth of my lovers' embrace or the cold touch of the handsome vampire?

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Get all the feels 😍 from The Four Bad Boys and Me by blue_maiden. 💖 What's your favorite quote from the book? Share yours in the comments section below. 😘
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Get all the feels 😍 from Special Section Book 1 by Onneechan. 💖 What's your favorite quote from the book? Share yours in the comments section below. 😘
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Lovin' 's photo of Snow White Is A Gangster. 😘 Show us your best photo of your fave Pop Fiction book. Don't forget to tag us and use the hashtag 😉📸📙

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Post: Just Shine!
Wisdom from a dear mentor & lessons from Ruldoph, himself. 💡🌟


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