I felt like showcasing my two Baby Pokemon OCs, being Abigail Dusk the Dustixie and Alicia Mary the Igglybuff :D

These two are flying around in the sky, with some offscreen supervision

Dustixie Design made by

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Thanks for mentioning me in a 10 Bootleg Pokemon list!😁

Happy to help!😊

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Finally a brand new artwork of Abigail Dusk the Dustixie, that I based on Pokemon Bootleg Redesign! 😊

Plus a photo of the Bootleg Abigail the Dustixie is based on 💝

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Just in all hype of (sorry if I’m tagging you too much) upcoming part 2 of her Redesigning Sonic Bootlegs, I decided to post all the redesigned bootlegs I made so far 😊👍

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