🤙BOREDKIDS Sales Update (02.06.22)🎉

🔴 Sold: 6 / 60
🔴 Owners: 3
🔴 Common Price: 0.006 ETH
🔴 Rare Price: 0.008 ETH
🔴 V.T: 0.04 ETH

Let's collect NOW on Opensea 🔥🤙


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When the wail of boredom becomes the wail of weariness, “I’m boooooored, Mommy and now I’m tired from being bored..” 😂🤣

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Good morning and welcome to day 2 of the Matilda's Lab

Today the challenge is drawer a creature with a trick to help it live where it does, like my tree dwelling sloth.

Share with and provide your efforts in the replies please.

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