Pablo Picasso
La comida frugal
Aguafuerte sobre papel vergé Arches.
Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

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Roelant Savery-Mountain-Landscape-with-a-Castle-1609-panel-Museo-Thyssen-Bornemisza-Flemish

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Béla Kádár
Sin título (reverso: Dibujo)
hacia 1923
Gouache y tinta sobre papel.
Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

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Nicolas Lancret The Swing Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

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/from rkive
Las Meninas(시녀들)
Pablo Picasso
Oil on canvas
194 cm × 260 cm

Untitled (Green on Maroon)
Mark Rothko
Mixed media on canvas
258 x 229 cm
ⓒ Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum

60 193

Due to the centenary of Lucian Freud’s birth 1922-2011, the Thyssen Bornemisza M.& the National Gallery,Uk are presenting a retrospective. His painting was a constant quest for the truth,which led him to work from life, in front of the subject,sometimes over the limits of decency

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Nicolas Lancret The Swing Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza

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In the Berkshires, by American painter George Inness (1848-50). Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.

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🎨 Maximilien Luce
Francés, (París, 1858-1941)

🖼️ "Rolleboise, parada bajo un árbol"
Hacia 1925
Óleo sobre lienzo. 54 x 65,4 cm

Colección CarmenThyssen
Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, España
©️ VEGAP, Madrid

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Arshile Gorky
Última pintura (El monje negro)
Óleo sobre lienzo.
Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid

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Καλημέρα-Jan Gerritsz van Bronckhorst ( 1603 –22 Decembre 1661) was a Dutch painter-(Museo Thyssen Bornemisza)..
2.Jan Gerritsz van Bronckhorst ( 1603 –22 Decembre 1661) was a Dutch painter1-The Three Graces

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Madonna z Dzieciątkiem
ok. 1530r. 28 x 20 cm

Anonimowy artysta inspirował się pracami Roberta Campina, chociaż w niniejszej pracy Dzieciątko jest pokazane nago, a zatem ma bardziej włoski styl.

Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza w Madrycie

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Overborne 1/1 Legendary "Judgement" NFT Original Animation: "And with ultimate Judgement comes ultimate responsibility."

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Camille Pissarro
Danés, 1830 – 1903

"Camino de Versalles, Louveciennes, sol de invierno y nieve"
hacia 1870
Óleo sobre lienzo. 46 x 55,3 cm

©️ Colección Carmen Thyssen
Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid,

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