Big news, the script for Boxing Bugs is finished! We'll be seeing these two boys again hopefully either in June or July along with some new faces. Will keep you guys updated!

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comic strip, Flower Physics! Probably took longer to finish than it should have, but hey I always have fun drawing these two!

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Jack Stag, a once antagonist in the early concept for I still plan on using in the comic, you won't see him until much later on though. Here are some early sketches of him! Definitely one of my favorite character designs for the comic.

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This week's update is the last for this story! I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did making it, see you back at the main story in Boxing Bugs

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No one told me it was Here's some drawings I've done of Tap and Rumble as anime characters to celebrate!

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That wasp sketch wasn't for nothin- meet Natalie (or Nat for short)! She is Tap's cousin and plays volleyball! Now she won't play a main role in the story (unless I think of something) but she will appear in a side story somewhere in the future.

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Today's page, one I've been excited to do! Quite the challenge getting it together.

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page for this week is up! We're only four pages away from the end of this side journey.

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Today means a new comic page! No more messing around here.

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This week's page is up! This one has some of my favorite expressions.

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New page today! Getting to the pages I'm the most excited for.

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Any bee worth his salt knows a REAL Valentine's gift is raw honeycomb! Probably should've used a bag though... I'm sure Tup appreciates the sweet, albeit messy gift. !

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This is 's character Tap, from her amazing comic

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Not weekly at the moment but a comic (or sneak peek at this point) for a future page of the current

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It's been a long time getting back on the comic scene, but I finally have a side story prepared for you all! It feels so, so good to draw comics again, I can't wait for you guys to see this little story I cooked up. Pages will start posting next week!

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