

11 232

só tem o and e abracadabratencio ne

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Arigato für die super spaßige Ark Collab
Heute haben wir viele neue Waffen getestet und Dinos durchlöchert und gebraten òwó

Und natürlich auch arigato an alle Raiders und Twiw0

1 14

hat sich schonmal eingeölt, damit man das Ei besser braten kann >:3
Währenddessen bekommt seine Frisur nicht gebacken und wartet einfach freudig auf das Essen!

(No were harmed for this Post :'D)

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"Why is it I always get my best ideas while (he's) shaving?"

(Commissioned from and by , TYSM!)

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Heute habe ich zum ersten Mal einen Fisch von A bis Z ausgenommen und zubereitet. Bin sehr stolz auf das Ergebnis.

Das Filet hab ich gebraten, aus dem Rest Miso-Suppe gemacht. War richtig lecker!

Nu gibbet ab und zu frischen Fisch im Hause Miji~ 🐟🍚

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德國人跟我們一樣都常吃豬肉,不過日常反而少吃豬腳 (逮丸郎則是德國菜=德國豬腳 (?))

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A scene from “baby bloomer” by I can not stress enough how awesome this fanfiction is. I’ll forever be drawing a scene from it.

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I’m still really new to procreate. I hope to get better. Doesn’t Goten look so peaceful with his princess?

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people are still generating an avalanche of Sauerbraten maps in the year 2020 and my respect for them is immeasurable

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Loved this fanfic! It got the right amount of drama. Gave me so much inspiration. Read it and give the author some love!

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Der Metzger
Hieher / wer Fleisch mit kan gerahten/
Zu Sieden / Kochen und zu Braten/
Von Ochsen / Kelber / Schaffen un schwein/
Gut / feist / die frisch gestochen seyn/
Gut vorricht / Kalbsköpff /Füß udn Kröß
Kuttelfleck / Ochsenmägen sind nit böß
Welcher mir bar Gelt zelet auff/

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Mama is about to put baby down for bed, but daddy can’t wait for his turn.

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Broten goodness w/ my working HC atm

Introducing VJ - was going 2 b Vegeta Jr. but decided 2 go w/ Vegeta Jocks (like jockstrap; gotta keep underwear in the name)

Art by (10/10, highly recommend)

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Goteen is giving off all the signs that he's interested, but bra should be cautious; because the motive for his wish on the dragonballs is still a mystery.
"16 again" by SunshineSpray
This fic brought me back to the time I started dating my husband.

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Following the success of our first two online talks with historian Mike Ingram, we are pleased to announce we are holding a third talk on Weds 4 Nov looking at the Gunpowder Plot.

More info and how to book at:

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