Thea 💫[Brawhalla]

Brawlhalla revivió cabrones. Me gustó mucho el diseño de Thea, y ahorita la jugué un poco y está buena, en muchos sentidos

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El compa
El mismisimo compa el menos especifico
Also si puedo
De paso podria a invitar a multicolor que tambien le prendio jugar brawhalla

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Absolutely love this Petra headshot
She just looks pretty af 😩

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I forgot to upload the final draw of Queen Nai heh... my bad. 😅

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Gothic Chic Nix
disappointed her back isn't showing, but then I realize I can draw :]

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1st day - Gargoyle
I will try do this Inktober, will be pretty hard cuz have many hard themes, but i will try!, and today we have the Gargoyle Onxy!, from Brawhalla

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Mi pareja favorita 🖤😈💜
Shirigami jiro x cursed mask yumiko

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Immortal Caspian 🌹

2022 /// 2018

8 33

Over the past few days (16hrs) I have painted the background of Brawhalla's newest map using gouache. I really enjoy all of the art in brawl and wanted to recreate this beautiful picture. if anyone has suggestions for the next one its appreciated.

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brawhalla fez tudo véi sério olha essa gatinha

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Mi nombre es Jacker(se dice Yaquer por si las dudas, por que varios me han dicho haker ), y mayormente me dedico a jugar Valorant, LoR, Brawhalla, entre otros juegos

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Brawhalla fan:

Multiversus Enjoyer:
If you give yourself a casuality I'll reward you with a famished toast

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Aqui dibuje a scarlett del juego brawhalla, tremendo juego la verdad

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