Multiply and conquer

Illusion might not be the most popular arcane school but surely it has some of the most annoying spells on the book.

6 15

Combat witchcraft

Every character grows in power as they go on adventures. However, spellcasters tend to do so exponentially, and this is why you don't let them buff themselves.

4 11

Overdue confessions

Ah yes, it's that time of the quest again. I wasn't kidding about the 'your backstory coming to haunt you' bit.

6 15

Settle the score

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, even if it changes nothing at the end of the day.

7 14

Take me to your overseer

One of the many great things about extensive, detailed backstories is that it has multiple hooks and points with which you can haunt your players - and they will love it.

5 10

Aquatic doomsayer

"You're going to listen - sooner or later, one way or another."
- Splashy in the mayor's dreams

7 12

A noble sentiment

Do you let you players negotiate with the NPCs using roleplay or do you make them roll the dice? Or both?

6 19

Troublemakers, troubleshooters

Once you find the problem and the solution, your next step is to find someone willing to pay you to apply the latter to the former.

7 20

No such thing as free monster hunt

Remember to give your players a clear reward or they'll spend many a session searching for it among all NPCs you created!

7 13

Humanoid hardware

"I have been told that imitation is the highest form of flattery."
- Lt. Commander Data (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

8 18

Upstream quest

Finding someone crazy enough to try and take down a monster is just the easy part. In fact, much easier than actually succeeding at it.

8 20

Finding Knight-Commander, pt.1

It's that time of the campaign again, where party members get to know each other better and get to spend time and money not fighting villains in a world that finally looks slightly less crazy.

7 22

Quest for financial health

A typical dungeon crawl, treasure hunt adventure? Sign me in! But to be honest, those were rather rare during our campaigns because... reasons.

6 17

A convenient technological breakthrough

*Power sources not included.

2 14

Fruit-loving city

No matter in which side of the law, fruit-flavored eclairs are in high demand in this town.

5 14

Noble status, humble tastes

Wealth may give you access to more sophisticated dishes and desserts but sometimes the real joy are in the simple ones.

6 15

Older than she looks

Frida and Laverne are back for a little while, I swear a haven't forgotten all the characters I shoehor—introduced.

6 18

Hey, Breadfinder's artist here. We'd like to thank y'all 400+ followers for sticking around and read our comics. It's been really fun drawing them so far but there's still a lot more to come, so stay tuned!

7 25

The other side of the backstory

When you get to know more about your party members' past than themselves...

7 19

Family issues

Do you make specific backstory quests for your players? If you do, you allow other PCs take part in them or make them a solo quest?

3 10