Brian Adcock on May, Eurovision and a public vote. - political cartoon gallery in London

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Bob Moran on the impending Tory leadership race - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brighty: Following the very sad news of the passing of one of Britain's greatest political figures, Lord Toby Jug, my cartoon for today's Sun... - political cartoon gallery in London

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Chris Riddell: Brexit hijacks the local elections. Next up: Brexit hijacks the European elections - political cartoon gallery in London

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Morten Morland’s Spectator Cover BrexitDelay - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brian Adcock: The awesome influence of the amazing BrexitDelay - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brexit for breakfast,
Brexit for lunch,
Brexit for dinner,
Throw it in a brunch,
Brexit for supper,
In Horlicks too -
This Brexit diet killin' me -
Don't know about you.

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