
Cloud-Surfing. So Hope has been playing it safe when riding the flying Nimbus but she really wanted to master it so she went back to basics and learn how to surf from her friend

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Chapter 2 of “Hail to the Chef” is up!

A fun, sassy, Broten cooking adventure!

Flambé + Hot


(Art comm’d from and by . TYSM! They took my concept and ran with it)

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Ta da! A commission I bought from ! It’s such a great piece of art; I adore it! She is open for grayscale commissions so hit her up on Twitter!

The art goes with my fic for ’s August event:


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Red Ribbon outfit was Bulma's best outfit. So simple, so cute. What other Bulma should I draw?

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Bulma briefs.

im opening headshot commission for $8 so that i could build back my broken pc, because i cant draw much without it.

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Goten had two major girlfriends, Bra and Valese. So which one is better?

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A “brief” moment ~
A quick doodle for , they had a rough day, to lift their spirits, BRIEFS and hugs! Take it easy Tygre!

(Still aiming for simple toon style so this was a nice exercise)

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"Ok fine, just let me go to the water first"

Yup, it was Bra Briefs turn to show her sexy side, and yes, is her "Multiverse" Design, honestly, I like it more than her Gt design xD

Caulifla is next!

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Vomi: Hope, how do you think the final sequel of the trilogy should end?

: Since you haven't finished it , if I were to say anything I would be spoiling myself, 😄😊

Vomi: Umm😊 Good answer.

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Happy everybody ✨ I’m a digital portrait artist that loves incorporating traditional textures. Always open to YA book cover briefs and commercial illustration! Check out more of my work here: https://t.co/dD2KFE5bye

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Little VJ ( aka Vegeta Jocks Son-Briefs V)

He is my fav OC!
(As portrayed brilliantly by and )

And yes, I'm like a proud parent sharing baby pics. 😆

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