Hope and Icarus: The Blind Dragon Who touched the Sun. Hope's signature technique:
The Tenryūsenko Meaning Heavenly Dragon's Flash of Light or Aka Helios

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Cloud-Surfing. So Hope has been playing it safe when riding the flying Nimbus but she really wanted to master it so she went back to basics and learn how to surf from her friend

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Vomi: Hope, how do you think the final sequel of the trilogy should end?

: Since you haven't finished it , if I were to say anything I would be spoiling myself, 😄😊

Vomi: Umm😊 Good answer.

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Hope and (Master) Future Chichi, the final exam.
NB Headcannon: Hope isn't learning martial arts to fight she's actually learning Wushu (performative MA)😅😋

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Ode to despair
With the advent of lucifero King of demons, it sealed my love for Tabata devil designs as seen on my oc. Also, I theorize the the black clover symbol will be used like the mark of the behelit in beserk.

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