Brightlight and Darkshade, the children of Leafscratch and Fidgetflight! Dark is the deputy under Dapplestar's leadership (idk if he'll be lead or not), and Brightlight sits there and looks cool (i haven't rly thought abt her much tbh) lol

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Itsuki bought for 0.03 ETH by __xXXx__ from BrightLightInTheDark

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Making my Gloryhounds OC ><
A computer engineer who secretly love "Performing" their grand escapes. Using brightlights and loud sounds, he's a master of distraction and he loves playing games with whoever chasing him.

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Finally got the opportunity to drew my ponysona💖
Based on my personal oc x)
She's Hope Brightlight✨
The cutie mark is cause I'm such a dreamer💫
The pins on the bag are of my fav ponies👀
Love my self-pony,but the colors make me think on neapolitan ice cream xD

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Hi BrightLight,
Feel free to view my unsold contents,
Theme- office attires.
Follow me and RTs are very much appreciated.😊


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THREAD: My Art Story.
Hi everyone, my name is Ella. I've been an artist all my life. Up until now, I've hidden behind a logo and the name BrightLight. This is me, and here is the artwork closest to my heart. Let me explain why...

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day(s) 19 and 20
I was a little busy, and I forgot to post last night's drawing here.. but Penny in her prom dress and Alora in her supersuit!

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Every single moment with makes the fight worth it.

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brightlights valentines day things i drew in like 15 minutes

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☁️💙 I’m so excited for the new sonnnng 🌷
Go listen to his ep you might like it :)

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Youth Arts Exhibition 2021: Bright Lights

caught up with us about the challenges organising this years exhibition and how young people can get involved.

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Piece That Fit (Stars and Rabbit ft. Bottle Smokers
Folklore (Taylor Swift)
Selamat Ulang Tahun (Nadin Amizah)
Brightlight (Under The Big Bright Yellow Sun)

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poly bright lights //

I FINISHED IT, IT LOOKZ WACKY BUT IM PROUD OF IT ;; thiz waz also for my poly brightlights fanfic!! If you'd like you can read it here^^

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Didn't use the drawing tablet AT ALL 👺#brightlightsbigcity

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