Il punto di inizio del 'ruggito del leone' , inizia con la fede che nessuno è condannato e confuso.
The starting point of the 'lion's roar' begins with the belief that no one is condemned and confused.

Tashi Delek 🙏

19 145

As a symbol of enlightenment in Buddism, we give lotus to monks or use it to worship Buddha images here in Thailand in OUR UNIVERSE 😂

6 35

tra teosofia e Buddismo, le strane miscellanee di una epoca ricchissima di spunti affascinanti (mettiamoci anche Gurdjieff)
Nikolaj Konstantinovic Roerich
Horse of happiness

1 2

Every time I research more about Zhuangzi's Butterfly Dream, the Eight Consciousnesses of Buddism, and Dao/Taoism I find myself referring back to Kara no Kyoukai and end up falling more in love with the series and it's themes.

7 51

This is my ongoing project
You can collect 500 hand-painted Rakans (an arhats).
Please check it out and consider the collection.

500 Rakans

0 2

Now listed ⛵

Kangiten is a secret Buddha that symbolizes the complete self of masculine and femininity, or physical and digital. Works in traditional style.

2 3

La reflexión es el camino hacia la inmortalidad; la falta de reflexión, el camino hacia la muerte

6 34

A origami crane floating down a river , realising the point of the legend today's

1 3

インドにおいては観念論的な思想であった仏教が、中国においては生活の中の実践哲学(禅)となっていったわけですが、その際に老荘思想が果たした役割は非常に大きい 🤔

1 19

Il Bushido. È un codice di condotta e uno stile di vita, simile al concetto europeo di cavalleria. Adottato dai Samurai, la casta "guerriera giapponese" . Sembra che il codice risalga al 660 A. C. Il Bushido riadattava alcuni principi del Buddismo e del Confucianesimo..

3 11

阿羅漢さま (अरहंत)


4 37

Congrats, you just labeled a group of Asians, deaf people, and those who practice Buddism as hate groups.

You pretty much show discrimination against groups of people by religion, race, and disability.

5 62