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Chi si aspetta
che nel mondo
i diavoli vadano
in giro con le corna
e i buffoni coi sonagli
sarà sempre loro preda
e il loro zimbello.


Michael Cheval

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Non c'è limite alle buffonate.
Trump aveva annunciato un annuncio importante: si tratta di carte da collezione con l’immagine di Trump mascherato da supereroe, cowboy e roba del genere. Costano 99 dollari l'una.

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FS1 Wataru is a jester, this is how Wataru chooses to represent himself and he's not any jester! He's Arleccino which is based on the trope from commedia dell'arte. Arleccino is someone who can be interpreted as either a buffon or a demon in some representations of the work.

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🐳 Compléments de Buffon. t.1.
Paris: P. Pourrat Frères, 1838.

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Apparemment je dessine des patates, donc voici, en avant-première : les patates Bianconeri, en featuring avec le manbun d'un mec qui n'est pas Buffon, un maillot vintage et un mec qui ressemble à un mec dans une série YT que je regarde.

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Tonight, I feel a crow is needed.
Crow, Georges-Louis Leclerc in Comte de Buffon's ‘Histoire naturelle’ encyclopedia.

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Tarsier. Antique engraving created mid-1700s by Jacques Henri E. De Sève for French naturalist, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon. Wildlife art at Terence Kerr on Alamy:

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"Povera patria! Schiacciata dagli abusi del potere
di gente infame, che non sa cos'è il pudore,
si credono potenti e gli va bene quello che fanno
e tutto gli appartiene.
Tra i governanti, quanti perfetti e inutili buffoni!"
(F. Battiato)

🎨 Alberto Sughi, "Teatro d'Italia", 1984

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🐳 Compléments de Buffon. t.1.
Paris: P. Pourrat Frères, 1838.

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Teal drawn in 1830 to illustrate an edition of the complete works of French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707 – 1788). Antique engraving. License this image from Alamy:

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Jerboa or gerbo drawn for 1780 edition of influential 36-volume work on natural history by Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon. Antique engraving. License this image from Alamy: https://t.co/LS2a0OIN0F

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Le Pierre-Garin (Buffon) 2/3 nature
Sterna Hirondo (Linee)
These beautiful etchings by Edouard Traviès are from his work,
"Les oiseaux les plus remarquables", published by V. Delarue in Paris, 1857.

Annedouche, Fournier, Pardinel, and Oudet.

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Collection des animaux quadrupèdes de Buffon - Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon - c.1749-1767 - via Gallica https://t.co/VJgeCMGMMf

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You absolute Buffon. You cretin. You accuse me of being assless? Me?

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🐳 Compléments de Buffon. t.1.
Paris: P. Pourrat Frères, 1838.

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New artwork for sale! - "Canadian mole, drawn in 1780 for French naturalist, Comte de Buffon, by Jacques Henri De Seve" - https://t.co/7s6zDPsUI7

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Good morning to everyone, but especially to all the squirrels, for today is

These early 19th century colour plates from 'Buffon's Animated Nature' (1828) show a red squirrel, a grey squirrel, a palm squirrel & a flying squirrel.

[Reserve 590 BUF]

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🐳 Compléments de Buffon. t.1.
Paris: P. Pourrat Frères, 1838.

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