
5 38


20 151

the 'looking down at ya' bules https://t.co/yJKFUc9fwW

16 142

First cryo-ET images of microtubule-associated septin filaments 😍👋🔥 and at mitochondrial constriction sites from all places by
Septins in orange, microtubules in teal

17 106

Today’s Mutant of the day is Jubilation Lee A.K.A Jubilee!

Jubilee possesses the mutant ability to generate what she calls "fireworks" (also known as Plasmoids or Lumikinetic Explosive Light Blasts). These are essentially globules of energy that vary in power and intensity!

53 209

I have officially changed my name to Alexvandrya Elbulescu! Nickname will be Drya (pronouced as Dree-ah) although that may be subject to change in the future lol. If you have any suggestions for a new art tag please leave below!

0 11

Atajo la embestida
de una romántica palabra
con tulipanes bulbules
en la sutil pereza
de un bosque de ruiseñores
o desde la transparencia
de una perfumada rosa
he sentido su roce
en el arder escarlata
de una lágrima que sangra.

7 26

"Teatime with Ameliance" by zloi_bules13

1 40

watch me (Venti-obsessed Candaceless Shinobuless) getting c10 Sayu and grumblingly sitting in the office until the end of workday

0 0

Muchísimas gracias a por regalarme un mesecico de para que pueda jugar al 🥺🤘❤️‍🔥


Gran mastodonte sonambulesco y mejor persiana.

0 7

In 1947, Dutch astrophysicist Dr Bart Bok identified & defined globules of dark & dense molecular clouds that give rise to stellar formation via collapse in gravitational pressure; resulting in binary & multiple star systems, commonly. Our solar system is from different clouds.

1 3

Avec 247.288 entrées au terme de son 3ème Week-End, est déjà le 3ème meilleur score de la carrière d' (devant et Il passera bientôt devant (266K) 🙌👏 cc

15 78

Got to take part in my first primate project! Led by , we examined the scaling patterns of cerebellar petrosal lobules in Euarchontoglires (rodents, lagomorphs, treeshrews, colugos, & primates).

Check it out in ! https://t.co/MCy852Zi8O

7 17

La tique peut véhiculer des maladies graves tel que
La piroplasmose :
Causée par protozoaire Babesia canis, ce parasite va provoquer la destruction des globules rouges ce qui peut-être rapidement fatale.

0 2

glimmering visco-elastic globules flowing from the etheric dusk pores of fragrant reflective trypophobic arcologies

5 37

La zone nord de la fouille témoigne d'une organisation spatiale bien spécifique et d'un mobilier assez représentatif des sanctuaires romains. On dénombre ainsi des fibules en argent, des fragments de miroir, une bague en or, trois dépôts monétaires, des offrandes alimentaires...

0 13