My OC Jack can take the form of a white horse (Vampire Horse) 😹👌🐴💖💖💖
I take inspiration from the Slavic folklore Vampires 😹🍷🍓🍓🍓

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Third entry for instagram challenge
Read more here about this crazy mysterious tradition:

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Second entry for
Rusalka in Bulgarian folklore is river or lake guardian, usually well-intentioned but she will poison the water source if she's angered

1 1

Looking at traditional Bulgarian wedding dresses. Not sure I can manage this style for my own but they are fun to draw!

3 22

Kuker (Кукер) for week 2 of
Used reference for the design, the type of I like best is the hairy one not the ones with bells. 😅

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Traditional bulgarian house and purple trees.

3 17