Today's conversion from to The Bulgasari, famous rampaging monster of pure rage from Korea.
Illust: and

33 198


We've got sticker designs of both the Myodusa and the Bulgasari coming with next week's launch! More to follow.

Illust: and

22 147

CR 10 statblock for the engine of mortal destruction, the Bulgasari (불가사리)!!

It answers the desperate cries from victims of war and responds against their aggressors with violence. It doesn't stop until put down, all it knows is to destroy.

Illust: @ dune5and

33 75


One of Korea's most legendary monsters! Its name means "Impossible-to-Kill" and it's a wrathful monster that appears in times of great strife, representing unstoppable rage!


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Aggron Origins:

The Aggron family draws inspiration from Korean mythology's Bulgasari, a legendary monster that starts out as small as a bug, but due to its endless appetite for iron, eventually grow as big as a house.

More Gen 3 secrets:

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