Special illustration to celebrate the broadcast of the seventh episode of the anime "Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari" (The Rising of the Shield Hero) Season 2, made by Bunchou (文鳥), who participated in the production.

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happy birthday bunchou!! thank you for the art share, this is super cool!

i'm drae and i like to doodle in my spare time -- mostly fanart but there's also a few ocs sprinkled in there :] my style changes with the seasons but i always love playing around with linework and colors!

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[ RTs👌! ]
The Returners are searching for friends!

⚜️27/30 members
🥨chill discord with six dragons emotes
⚜️standard buffs
🥨LGBTQ+ friendly
⚜️Hadeslords are drawn to one another
🥨you can call me bunchou

Contact: tamafry#2465 (discord) or !

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