at one point we had these bunuelos you could eat. don't think this made it into the final game though hah. All of these use gradient texturing.

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Хочу, чтобы вы посмотрели на то, что осталось ЗА репликами

Такая красота была перекрыта, но да всегда будут жертвы

Хотя бы так покажу

✨Bunuelos & Obleas✨

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TONIGHT @ 8pm!! Luis Bunuel's sensual and surreal BELLE DE JOUR on 35mm! The 1967 Venice Film Festival winner, and one of Catherine Deneuve's most acclaimed roles, on 35mm!!

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From the collection ---> Character update: Luis Bunuel
Character name : Luis Bunuel vampire
. Link ➡️

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Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas (2018). Бунюэль борется с внутренними демонами, обвинениями в подражании Дали и снимает документальный фильм (а на деле - свой очередной кошмар).

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Portrait of Luis Bunuel, 1924

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Gran film "Bella di giorno" di uscito nel 1967, con una grande
Io lo vidi al cinema nel 1968 e l'ho riguardato di recente.

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Luis Buñuel's nightmares bleed into reality he races to finish his harrowing documentary, LAS HURDES: LAND WITHOUT BREAD. 🐘

🎞 on sale for $4.99 on Apple TV/iTunes until 2/28:

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'Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles'. 2018 (Salvador Simó Busom)

A rich animated account of Buñuel's arduous third feature 'Las Hurdes', controversial then & now. Reality blends against passages dashed with surrealism befitting of the filmmaking icon.

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...Tarkovskian Inception directed by Luis Bunuel, written by Quarantini & Bergman, produced by Disney starring a blood moon, a White Pale Horse, a reluctant b/witch (patriarchy villan), Vamps & many gothic extras + spawning NPCs in Burton's cinematographically cool

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Today is BELLE DE JOUR (Apr. 10, 1968, dir. Luis Bunuel)'s 52nd release anniversary. The Japanese title, "Hirugao" (昼顔), is a small bindweed flower whose name literally means "noon face."

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