Artes de The Death of Superman 30th Anniversary Special especial para comemorar a clássica história da morte do Superman

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It's Captain America! It's Bucky! It's the Original Human Torch! It's Namor! It's the Invaders from & Hear our thoughts on this debut issue lookgin back on some history

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Join us back in Westeros as we pick back up the adaptation of the Song of Ice and Fire saga into comics!

Out tomorrow!

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02/02 for let me motivated and curious at the end of each issue.
my long time friend, and of course and for their support and help every month. Thank you all guys.

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Earth's original AND BEST heroes! (Don't @ me, I'm right and you know it).

Absolutely gorgeous page !!! I'm in awe, my good sir!

Invaders (preview)
art and

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my variant cover 3 revealed + the full cover. Release date 5/15/2019 ^^

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Your Mann At Marvel’s picks o’ the week:
Daredevil & Invaders = A decisively daring double dose of w/
Captain America =
Superior Spider-Man =

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