And with this I have used up all my good butts. I thought I had more! I even seeked allies but none of them even comes close to 's amount of butts!

He's the clear victor in this battle. Well done, King of the butts! It has been an honor ❤️

57 532

I'm nearing my limit.. 😩 is a freak of nature!🍑🍑

119 941

Some more Brooke butts to counter the big bad His butt salvos are devestating but I still have a little bit of life in me!!

71 673

A good barrage from but I have more cheeks up my skirt! >:) 🍑🍑

76 690

I don't have as many butts as does but I'm not going down without a fight! 🍑🍑

91 773