Varvara Folimonova’s color experiment used a complimentary green-yellow and red-violet color scheme. The faded green and purple color scheme looks more sinister, but using warmer colors can make the piece look more welcoming and happy.

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Ereny Morcos’s shape and texture studies! Shape and texture can really give the audience different feelings about objects.

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Another color experiment conducted by . Monochromatic colors v.s. contrasting colors.

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Color experiment by Elsa Runquist. She showed the difference between monochromatic color scheme and contrasting color, and the difference between unsaturated and saturated colors in the two pieces.

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Color experiment by . See the difference between the monochromatic scene and the scene with contrasting colors.

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Texture experiment with a porcelain flowerpot and a wooden ball by Aneesha Anand. Different textures can represent different materials and bring the audience different feelings.

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Aneesha Anand’s color experiment — feel the different moods in two pictures with different color schemes!

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The piece is made by Aneesha Anand. An Intestinal Stem Cell (ISC) is relaxing in an intestinal organoid system. After a specific compound was added, the ISC experience rapid differentiation and change into a Paneth Cell.

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The abstract representation of Candida albicans and how it forms biofilms was made by Shubhanjali Minhas. In the illustration, Shub has likened the elongated sections of the biofilm to tentacles, which are rendering the antifungal drugs useless.

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This illustration created by Elsa Runquist helps provide a rough visualization about data points and the viral load amount from respiratory syncytial virus defective genomes and their presence in clinical outcomes among infants.

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Ereny Morcos drew a section of a lung from one of those mice that were infected with our virus that expresses GFP. Here, the red cells are ciliated, the green cells are infected, and the yellow cells indicate the overlap of the green and red signals.

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