No stream tomorrow (playing DnD!) but have done concepts for Eggo, mascot cat and Voice of the Chat. I still love his gooey form, maybe later down the line he'll get a stream version with more eggy goop.

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"Aren't you bored of being so cold? Wouldn't you rather a c h e?"
A memory. A moment. A breaking point.
(Heavily inspired by the Usseewa music video.)

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Lovely asked me to draw his otherworldly patron, Zoey, and like any self-respecting cat you all know I *LOVE* obsessively staring at photos of birds. Though I don't think I'll be hunting this one....

She'll be joining him on-stream very soon!

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Still travelling, so here's the second version of yesterday's design. I'm glad I got my hair cut but I do miss some aspects of this version of me like those earrings, and having a shirt that's a more obvious cat fur 'white patch' like in my feline form. Also...booba...

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Still travelling, still giving you art: an early concept piece! I was super into the blue-toned/purple convo initially, but black & gold is my favourite colour combo so I was glad to be able to switch into that later and keep the purple/blue tones for my room. <3

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More art while I'm on my travels! An update of my avatar incorporating some recent design tweaks: freckles, simplified the ears since the pink inner ear was attention-grabbing, added the heart freckle, adding a visible tail, updating my ahoge to mimic the tail). 💜

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"Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? MISS KEISHA? Oh mah fuckin god she fucking dead."

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