本編視聴はじめました ジャケかわ良すぎて衝動買っちゃったアルバムのCalendarGirlsが爆裂に最高がすぎて永久に聴いている…

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"There! I ripped all your silly calendars so that you'll have me and only me to look at 😊."

(sorry, for the uninspiring entry 😓)

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Saw the Bonanza by
And thought it was a terrific idea, so wanted to join :3
Here are my entries for April and August.

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‘Music makes things better’, says Gary Barlow in one-man show A Different Stage at Grand Opera House, York, on June 10 and 11. When do tickets go on sale? https://t.co/gVj7XDpyJv

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