Hello, guys. Before going to sleep, I'm glad to show 3 new chapters of my 101DS fic by Dylan now available in Latin Spanish of one of the very desired plots of this fandom. Hope you'll enjoy it at the end!! 👍

5 27

Hello, guys. Glad to finally show some good news about the PlayTops's Comic Proyect I'm working on: 101DS 2nd Season; which 3 new pages (from 0 to the 1st cap already finished) every weekend!! Hope you'll enjoy it until the end. 👍😀

10 35

I'm very tired, it was a crazy night, but still... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL 💕🎄✨✨🎄💕💕✨✨💖

8 19

Testing Fnf Sprites in Flipaclip (no2)
Probando sprites De fnf En flipaclip(Nro2)

4 19

Hi pals. Despite the long wait for a new announcement, I'm pleased to finally share our 3 first pages of the 1st cap of the 101DS comic 2nd season from PlayTops group (including me). Hope you enjoy it, more content is coming soon!!

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Un dia como hoy de estreno en latam El episodio de calle 101 dalmatas... "Felices por siempre"....

Me voy en aguas 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

10 28

I have been told there's an event today about 101DS; so here I am sharing something.
Hope you guys like it.

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Dato Curioso De"Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers":La voz en español de Chip fue interpretado por El actor de voz Carlo Vasquez,Misma voz que me recuerda a nuestro Zorro favorito"Fergus"
No dejaba de pensar en las escenas de chip por Fergus Xd

7 30

Yeah, also the English version of this fic is available now. I'll be absent for a while but don't worry I'll come with more chapters for this beautiful novel for all of you. Tks for following me and see you soon. 👍

3 18

Hi guys, I know the 101DS anniversary is over and my classes return tomorrow, but I really want to leave with showing my new chapter of my Wattpad fic that everyone knows. Hope you enjoy and follow fic until the end.

7 19

Hello guys, the English version of the 4th Chapter of my fic is now available in Wattpad. The next chapter (and final from now) is coming up next week. Hope you like so much, and support the story until the end. 👍👍

8 29

Hi pals, the next chapter of my Wattpad fic: "El sentido de mi vida" in Spanish version, is finally available right now.Hope everyone can enjoy it, read and vote when you can too. Have a nice day!!

4 15

El día de Tyler fue perfecto hasta que pasó esto. Creo no ha de ser muy lindo quedar colgado de tu ropa interior , pobre Tyler el solo quería ayudar a recuperar una cometa que se quedó atorada .

2 18

Alright pals, the English version of this new chapter is now available on Wattpad. The next chapter is coming up in two weeks at most. Hope you can enjoy too, and support the story until the end. 👍👍

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Diego y Tyler decidieron pasar una noche en el bosque , acampar y esas cosas . Al caer la noche podían ver las hermosas estrellas
Es un espectáculo increíble y muy hermoso 🌟🌙

4 23

Nada más reconfortante en estos días de fría nieve que salir a jugar en ella , y más con el trineo nuevo de Tyler UwU
A Diegito le,gusta estar con él UwU 🐾🐾


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